(Data privacy statement)

The protection of your personal data is our special concern. Therefore, we process your data exclusively based on the legal regulations (DSGVO, TKG 2003). In this data privacy statement, we inform you on the most important aspects of the data processing within the scope of this website.

Contact us
When you contact us via form on the website or via email (contact form and/or application form), the data you provided is saved by us in order to process your request / application and for the case of further questions up to six months. We do not share this data without your agreement.

Web analysis
This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA („Google“). Google Analytics uses so-called “cookies”, text files that are saved on your computer and allow an analysis of your usage of the website. The information on your usage of the website generated by the cookie is usually transferred to and saved on a Google server in the US. Only in exceptional cases the full IP address is transferred to a Google server in the US and is abbreviated there. On behalf of the provider of this website Google will use this information to analyze your usage of the website, to create reports on the website activity and to provide further services related to the website usage and the internet usage to the website provider. The IP address that is transmitted by your browser through Google Analytics is not matched with other Google data. You may prevent cookie saving with a respective setting of your browser software; we just would like to remind you that in this case you may not be able to use all features of this website completely. You may also prevent the registration of your data regarding website usage (incl. IP address) by the cookie and the process of this data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plugin available at this link:

As an alternative to the browser plugin you may also click on the following link to prevent the data transmission by Google Analytics on this website in the future. Then an opt-out-cookie will be saved on your device. When you delete your cookies, you’ll need to click the link again.

Deactivate data collection by Google Analytics for this website

Please find further information on data privacy protection regarding Google Analytics and your respective possibilities at

Your IP address is registered but anonymized immediately by abbreviating the last digits of the IP address. Therefore, only a vague localization is possible.

The relationship to the web analysis provider is based on the „USA Privacy Shield“.

The data processing is based on the legal regulations in § 96 passage 3 TKG and in Article 6 passage 1 lit a (agreement) and/or f (justified interest) of the DSGVO.

Our concern regarding DSGVO (justified interest) is the improvement of our service and of our web performance. Because our users’ privacy is important to us, the user data is pseudonymized.

Analyse durch WiredMinds

Unsere Webseite nutzt die Zählpixeltechnologie der WiredMinds GmbH ( zur Analyse des Besucherverhaltens. Hierbei wird die IP- Adresse eines Besuchers verarbeitet. Die Verarbeitung erfolgt ausschließlich zu dem Zweck, firmenrelevante Informationen wie z. B. den Unternehmensnamen zu erheben. IP Adressen von natürlichen Personen werden von der weiteren Verwendung ausgeschlossen (Whitelist-Verfahren). Eine Speicherung der IP- Adresse in LeadLab erfolgt in keinem Fall. Bei der Verarbeitung der Daten ist es unser besonderes Interesse, die Datenschutzrechte natürlicher Personen zu wahren. Unser Interesse stützt sich auf Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. (f) DSGVO. Die von uns erhobenen Daten lassen zu keiner Zeit einen Rückschluss auf eine identifizierbare Person zu.
Die WiredMinds GmbH nutzt diese Informationen, um anonyme Nutzungsprofile, bezogen auf das Besuchsverhalten auf unserer Webseite, zu erstellen. Die dabei gewonnenen Daten werden nicht benutzt, um den Besucher unserer Webseite persönlich zu identifizieren.

Your rights
In general you dispose of the rights on information, correction, deletion, limitation, data transferability, revocation and contradiction. In case you think that the processing of your data is not in line with the data privacy protection law or that your privacy demands have been disregarded in any way you may complain to the inspecting authority. In Austria that is the Data Privacy Protection Office.

You may reach us at the following contact details:

rtech engineering GmbH
Mr. Michael Resch
Tel.: +43 1 748148 0


Status: March 2018